After falling in love with IPAs in 2013, Lee Hammerton, then an IT
business analyst, decided to take a leap and found Hammerton
Brewery in 2014. Unbeknownst to him, after purchasing a brand
new commercial brewery kit, Lee discovered a rich family history in
brewing. A Hammerton Brewery existed back in 1950, and Lee was
a distant relative of the original owner! Joining Lee on this exciting
venture was Karina, his Peruvian accountant girlfriend (now wife)
with a background in FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods).
Together, they brewed and launched their first beer, N7 IPA, in April 2014.

Fast forward to today, and Hammerton Brewery has proudly
produced over 7 million pints! We offer a core range of seven
beers, while constantly pushing boundaries with exciting
limited-edition monthly releases. This dedication to innovation
ensures there's always a new taste sensation waiting for our
customers, who share our passion for exploring the world of beer.
Our brews are enjoyed across the UK, Europe, and even as far as Hong Kong.

Our awards and accolades are a testament to our commitment to
quality. Since that first N7 IPA brew, beers like Zed, City of Cake,
N1, and Crunch have received top industry recognition.
Though our team may be small, it's packed with passionate beer
lovers who pour their hearts into every brew, using the highest
quality ingredients available. We believe this dedication translates
to us continuing to make the best possible beer

Hammerton team.